How To Improve Your Relationship With Your Dog Heading into the new year, you and your furry friend should be establishing
the best possible bond! However, this isn't always easy and if you are looking
at ways to improve you and your dog's relationship, we are here to help. Read
our blog for our best tips and advice. AB Dog Training
work with dogs of all ages and breeds, improving behaviour and helping to build
the best possible relationship between dogs and owners.
Spending Time Together One of the simplest techniques to improve your relationship
with your dog is by simply spending more time with them. Failing to spend time
together will often result in loneliness for your dog and although the time you
spend together will be good, it could mean the relationship doesn't reach its
maximum potential.
The more time you spend together, the better the
relationship will be. Whether this is playing fetch in the garden, going on
walks or simply playing with a toy whilst watching the TV, its best to be with
your dog as much as possible. This is especially important as a puppy, ensuring
they understand who you are and you are also regularly training.
Play In Your Dog's Space Not only will this prevent your dog from constantly jumping
up, but playing on the floor is a great way to improve your relationship. The
best way to play with your dog is to get into their space and on the floor,
especially considering your dog is usually smaller than you.
Although any time spent together is important, you want your
dog to stay active. This means playing with them as much as possible. By making
sure playtime is on the floor, this will improve the behaviour of your dog and
build the bond between the two of you.
Work On Communication Unfortunately, dogs and humans will never be able to have a
normal conversation! However, this doesn't mean you cannot communicate with
your dog. It is important to constantly work on communication and create the
best understanding between you and your dog.
This means your dog will understand more and more commands
to make your relationship as easy as possible. Treats are a great option to
reinforce different commands and make sure your dog is actually learning. This
can also be much more than just tricks, including tidying up their toys around
your home or getting
your dog to choose where they want to walk to.
Don't Lose Interest It is important to continue improving the relationship and
make sure you are regularly spending time with your dog. It can be easy to stop
spending as much time with your dog as they get older. Whilst everyone has
their own life to live, it is important to continue spending time with your dog
so the relationship does not begin to suffer.
You don't have to spend every minute of the day with
your dog, but by doing this whenever you can, means your bond will remain strong
throughout your dog's life.
Seek Dog Training If the relationship is suffering because of your dog's
behaviour and you find yourself losing your temper too often, dog training
could be the best option for you. This will improve your dog's behaviour and
make it much easier to take your dog out and play with your dog. Shouting at
your dog will also not help and can often lead to your dog getting confused and
not understanding different commands.
By having training, this should also allow you to give your
dog a lot more freedom and trust, making the relationship much more productive.
Dog training can make owning a dog a lot more enjoyable and if you are worried
about dog behaviour, you should definitely consider training.
Contact Us For more tips and advice on how to improve your relationship
with your dog, contact AB Dog Training today. We can organise training at a
suitable time and date for you, helping you build the relationship immediately.
Call us on 01422 835 459 or fill in our contact form to make
an enquiry and receive a fast response.